
/rəˈkwest/ - an act of asking politely or formally for something.


/kwōt/ - a quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular job or service.


/kəˈmiSHən/ - give an order for or authorize the production of (something such as a building, piece of equipment, or work of art).


/əˈɡrēmənt/ - a negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.


Need to get in touch with me?

Email Twitter Spigot Discord

How to Request my Services?

All commissions start by request. Use the email, spigot, skype,discord or twitter to ask for a Request Forum. After you receive and fill out this forum, You will get a live quote via the Request Forum. Discussion of models and price will be a verbal/text based agreement and then models will proceed to be created.


payments are usually made after product is produced. This is to avoid any disagreements on products arrival. IE "that's not what I paid for!" Models will be created, then showcased to you via images and 3D previews through SketchFab. This will allow you to fully see the model from all angles before you make a payment.

In some cases the request will be split into sections, this again is to avoid any disagreements in the creation and/or payment process. An example would be the following. "If you needed 30 models created we might split the model request into 3 sections. when the 1st set is done I would request payment to move forward to the next set of models in the request."

Timeframe and Pricing Information:

Below is a rough example of the time and price of creating your custom model('s).

Pricing can be negotiated depending on the amount of model(s) and/or complexity of the model(s).

Single Model of any Complexity:

  • 1 to 2 hours.
  • Price: $8-$25+

Single Model with Animations of any Complexity:

  • 1 to 3 hours.
  • Price: $15-$25+

Pack of 10 Models of any Complexity:

  • 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Price: $80-$200+

Pack of 10 Models with Animations of any Complexity:

  • 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Price: $150-$250+


Need to get in touch with me?

Email Twitter Spigot Discord

Example Model Request Forum:

Your_Name_Here - Model Requesting